Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weekly Update #8

Eight is great! Here is an update on everyone’s progress, in their own words…

Bill: “From a workout standpoint… just okay. However, I did get pictures of me in the ocean.”

Adam: “I hope everyone had a productive weekend. My week last week was hindered by an annoying battle with a cold/allergies/sinus infection. So unfortunately, I was on the PUP list. (Physically unable to Perform List) However, after some incredible rest, I was able to make a full recovery. Yesterday, I awoke and had a protein fueled breakfast, raw eggs-Rocky Balboa style, and laced up my brand new Asics cross trainers and ran the Reggae Run.

In all seriousness, last week was awful for me I was sick and miserable, but feel much better on this dreary Monday. I need to get back on track!”

Lyndse: “Completed my last 20 mile run before race day-- Tapering the next 2 weeks. Struggling with calf pain, however hopefully a few days of rest will solve the problem. The next 2 weeks I will focus on having quality runs and a solid diet to prepare for October 17th.”

Katie: “I ran 2 short 3-4 milers, spinning class one evening, and my last long(ish) run of 15 miles. Continued focus on hydration will be key for me so my body is prepared for the hardest physical test it’s ever had!”

So eight wasn’t exactly great, but it wasn’t bad either. We will keep focusing on the daily motivational quotes we have posted on our blog and look forward to shining in the Vibrance at the end of these 10 weeks!

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