Thursday, September 30, 2010

We all face challenges in our lives. But how we handle ‎these challenges, how we look at life is truly what matters. ‎We can all look at life in one of two ways:

‎1. we can focus on the good and move forward, or,

‎2. we can focus on the negative and wallow in self pity.

-Catherine Pulsifer

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Life is a big canvas, throw all the paint on it you can.‎
-Danny Kaye

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekly Update #7

Week #7 was coined "turn-around" week for Adam. He was able to reduce his simple carbohydrate intake by 45 %, while completing 2 grueling cardio workouts on his favorite treadmill nicknamed "Nelly". He also completed 2 weight training sessions but has yet to decide on names for his vast collection of free weights.  Just as Adam was rounding third and heading for home on "turn-around" week, his Dad came into town from CA so he was forced to eat at Skyline, Montgomery Inn, Larosa's, and Graeter's this weekend. In order to make up for this, his goal is to refrain from eating take-out during week #8. He is continuing to work towards his weight loss goal but has a weighs:) to go.  Today is a new day, Mr. Momper, everyday is a fresh start!

Week #7 for Lyndse proved to be very balanced.  She Ran 50 miles, lifted (un-named) weights 2 days, and focused on eating healthy all week.  Work/life balance was also key.  Lyndse successfully made time for work, family, friends, and most importantly herself.  She took time for herself and watched Eat, Pray, Love.  She took away a wonderful message and has been generously sharing what she learned with her fellow PYP's,  Not boring Lyndse, not boring at all!  Continue to be the fearless person you are and just remember- Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into leading a boring life.  Lyndse is looking forward to her last long run of 20 miles in the coming week and is anticipating the victory of her 3:20 marathon in Columbus.

Bill ran twice during week #7, played golf once, played racquetball once, and lifted once.  He has been feeling good; but still has some work to do to prepare for his 13.1 mile run.  But Bill knows there's no turning back now, especially considering Lyndse and Katie have spent hours coloring "Go Bill" signs to support him at the Cincinnati 1/2 Marathon.  He has a fishing trip this weekend off the NJ shore that will make working out difficult for a few days, but he certainly won't be presented with the same temptations as Adam since he will be away from the Cincinnati food scene.  Adam and Bill have decided to partner during these last few weeks and really motivate each other to reach their goals.  Bill is considering naming his racquetball racquet "Snookie" in honor of his impending trip to the Jersey shore. 

Katie's week included an intense spinning journey, mile repeats with the training group, and a 14 mile long run.  Katie continued to struggle with some injuries which have moved from her ankle to her foot.  She spent last week learning a very good lesson... When you're training your body to run 26.2 miles, at some point it's going to hurt.  But she sought professional medical attention and has been able to continue to push through the pain.  As Lance Armstrong says "Pain is temporary.  It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place.  If I quit, however, it lasts forever".  Not only do Katie and Lance have similar coping mechanisms for pain, they also both have an affinity for Michelob Ultra.

Everyday for the next 3 weeks we will post a daily dose of inspiration to carry everyone through to the end of their 10 in 10 challenge.

Go PYP's, let your Vibrance shine!
Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.
-Donald Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

Thursday, September 23, 2010

You don't have to accept "I can't", because if you want to do something bad enough you will find a way to get it done.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If you want to do it, all you have to do is do it...

This video was posted on the Columbus Marathon website, if this doesn't inspire you I don't know what will!

Go Vibrant and be an inspiration today!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekly Update #6

This week the Young Pragmatic Professionals laced up for a big challenge. With less than 5 weeks left in the 10 in 10 challenge, the PYP's have rounded the last corner only to see the finish line ahead. At this point in the race, everyone is dedicated, enthusiastic and most importantly focused on embarking the journey to "Healthy Living". Adam Momper has made great strides with his daily eating habits, especially his ability to weigh his meat. As a result, Adam is able to wear his favorite UK Men's Basketball Jersey that was once too small. William Konecny has mastered the art of work life balance. With a demanding workload, Bill has placed heavy emphasis on taking care of his mind, body and soul. Katie Ditchen has learned that goal setting is one of life's greatest investments; with enthusiasm and passion anything is possible. Lyndse Swann has learned that anything is possible if you set your mind to it; with the power of believing, no goal is too big or small to achieve.

As we continue to make strides to the finish line, be prepared for the sprint in the upcoming weeks. The competition will get fierce…. To be continued next week.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

As associates of UC Health University Hospital, it is very important to support the mission of our organization which is to be of service to those in our community and beyond. Becoming part of the Go Vibrant challenge is one way the PYP’s are taking personal responsibility for our own health as well as the health and well-being of the Greater Cincinnati area.

Academic health systems are often some of the region's largest employers and are often the most recession-proof, keeping the health and vitality of a community more stable during times of fiscal uncertainty. Additionally, academic health systems are often involved at a grassroots level with health initiatives and street-level outreach within their communities. They often drive those initiatives, helping to increase the health of a community at large.

Academic health centers are also most often some of the nation’s most noticed in terms of public relations. Ongoing discoveries, new methodologies and treatments currently being pioneered within UC Health are highly visible indicators of our overall community’s health and vitality.
The PYP’s team is proud to represent UC Health in the 10 in 10 Go Vibrant challenge and we look forward to completing the challenge with success. Even if our goals fall short or our expectations are not met, we feel we have learned and will continue to learn from our experiences. We have tested our limits, we continue to make sacrifices, and we are learning the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, that it is not just about a healthy body…it is about a healthy spirit.

Go PYP’s, Go Vibrant!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do.
-Henry Ford
Adam takes his turn in the dunking booth to support the United Way!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekly Update #5

Give me a P, Give me a Y, Give me a P, What's that spell??
Last week Katie ran a total of 20 miles but was unable to do any cross-training or weights because she was too busy basking in the Go Vibrant t-shirt victory (please see pics). Although she postponed weight training, Katie has made tremendous strides in sculpting her massive guns. Unfortunately, Katie is dealing with foot pain after the long run Saturday, but she is one tough cookie and will be on the bike quite a bit this week and continue drinking 10 glasses of water a day.

Due to the most wonderful time of the year, FOOTBALL SEASON, Adam and Bill were a bit distracted and unable to go that extra mile this weekend. However, Adam continues to lift weights and run at least 2 days a week all while eating a high protein diet and drinking plenty of H2O. Bill was unable to replicate his progress from a couple weeks ago, but continues to play racquetball and golf weekly, along with multiple rounds on the treadmill.

Lastly, and most importantly, Lyndse continues to lead by example leaving everyone on the team wanting to push harder. Lyndse Will continue to focus on eating healthy, drinking lots of water and training with passion, enthusiasm and energy. 5 weeks left of training until the Marathon -- Lyndse's goal is to run the race in 3:20 minutes. Strategy: Run the first part of the race with my mind, second part with my personality and last leg with my heart. "Pain is temporary, Pride is forever"

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing"
- Vince Lombardi

Friday, September 10, 2010

Words to Inspire...

If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race. Your goal can be to ‎come in first, to improve your performance, or just finish the race. It's up to you.
-Runners World Magazine

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fun Fact

According to Gallup, who has conducted employee engagement surveys that include the question "Do ‎you have a best friend at work?", companies with a substantial number of employees who answer ‎‎"yes" have reported better employee performance, fewer hazardous accidents, greater productivity. ‎Find ways to connect with your co-workers. It will enrich your everyday work life.‎

Go Vibrant, friends!

Weekly Update #4 (better late than never)

It was another productive week for the PYP's.  We all managed to move in the direction of our goals; even with a long holiday weekend that could have easily thrown us off course.  The balancing act continues to be a theme for this group. 

Bill was off to a slow start but turned it around over the holiday weekend. He is maintaining his 5 mile runs and has managed to get his 5K times down to about a 7:05 / mile pace (roughly 45 second improvement from a month ago). Over the last month his stamina on the racquetball court and in the weight room has steadily increased.  His goal for this week is to increase to a 6 mile run.

Lyndse ran 53 miles...need we say more?  She also focused on safety while running solo: be aware of your surroundings, wear light clothing, and always always bring your cell phone for emergencies.

Adam had another productive week as well.  He has lost a total of 4lbs to date- an exciting milestone!  He did a combination of running and lifting weights.  Adam now runs at a personal record pace of 10min/mile and looks forward to continuing this positive trend.  Unfortunately, all the fun from the LONG weekend set him back a bit.  Looks like rice cakes and carrot sticks this week.

Katie completed her first "long" run of 20 miles on Saturday with the training group. Weights one day, including squats to improve quad strength after some muscle pain. She stuck to her goal of drinking ten 8oz glasses of water and the extra hydration was invaluable.  The down-side is that she has to get to work a 1/2 hour early to account for all the added bathroom breaks throughout the day.

On to week #5, can you believe we are almost halfway there?