Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Words to Inspire

"I shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me. Or I can be lost in the maze. My choice. My responsibility. Win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny."
-Og Mandino

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekly Update #3

Katie has continued on her journey to success this week by getting her heart rate up in a 45 minute spin class on Sunday, 4 mile run on Monday, 6 mile treadmill run on Wednesday and a BIG 15 mile run on Saturday. On an exciting note, Katie finally fit into a pair of black work pants that she has not been able to wear for almost 3 years; an added benefit of taking on this health challenge.  Her new goal for Week #4 is to drink TEN 8oz glasses of water a day.

Adam GQ Momper has continued to climb the stairwell to a healthier life style by pumping iron and sweating profusely in the gym this week. While Adam's job at UC Health University Hospital demands a lot of time, he has found that even just 30 minutes of cardio/lifting weights at the end of the day can make the world of difference. As a young pragmatic professional, Adam demonstrates that it is possible to balance a heavy workload and a healthy life style simultaneously. To recap his progress, he started his journey by indulging into unhealthy snacks and meals. Week #2 he invested in a weight watchers scale weigh his "meat" and become more proportioned. Now in week #3 he has learned the importance of taking care of your mind, body and soul.

William unfortunately had a few setbacks this week due to other obligations, however he values the principle of the mind, body and spirit. After several days of stress and fatigue, he decided that a yoga mat and organic yoga pants would be a great investment. Not only is he concerned with his own well being, but the well being of mother earth. Bill is not only going VIBRANT, he is also going GREEN. "  As a result of Bill's "down week", he dreamt he was skipping backwards for 6.3 miles.  No worries Bill, this week you will certainly move forward!  Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded"  -Goethe

Last but certainly not least is Lyndse's progress; suffice to say she more than carried the weight of our team this week. Lyndse ran an astonishing 50 miles, that's right folks, a five with a zero behind it!  In addition to all those miles on foot, she completed an additional 30 miles on the bike.  But there's more!  Although Lyndse understands the importance of cardiovascular exercises and cross-training, she also values strength training and sacrificed her personal time to life weights 3 times this week; she refers to this as the icing on the cake.  With Lyndse's intense focus, I suspect we may have a Boston qualifier on our hands!

Here we go PYP's!  Best of luck to you as we forge ahead into week 4 of our challenge!  

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fun Fact

Did you know that you burn roughly 10 calories for every flight of stairs you climb?

PYP's are steppin' up to a healthier lifestyle.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekly Update #2

This week Bill was about quality rather than quantity. He had a great round of golf, played ‎several games of racquetball against a much better opponent and gave it his all, and got in a ‎solid run/workout on Friday while vacationing in the Windy City.‎

Adam Q Momper also decided that Quality was a much healthier option than Quantity. To ‎recap week #1, Adam consumed over 600 calories in cake, however this week he rounded the ‎corner and selected the healthy salad for lunch, banana for snack and a 5oz chicken breast for ‎dinner. Thanks to the Weight Watchers scale, Adam is now able to weigh his meat:). Way to go ‎Adam! "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog"‎

Katie has been training physically and mentally for the Columbus Marathon. As she balances ‎work, relationships, hobbies and running, she a true inspiration to the rest of the PYP team. As a ‎Young Pragmatic Professional, Katie demonstrates that hard work, consistency, dedication and ‎perseverance will take you a long way in this journey. ‎

Lyndse has continued her training for the Columbus Marathon, however faced a few setbacks in ‎week #2. Often times we all face challenges, but the true test of a man is how he handles those. ‎‎"You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your ‎face" -Gatorade ad

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Words to Inspire...

Set your goals high because what a person accomplishes is in proportion to what they ‎attempt. ‎
-Mitchell Naufell

And a little inspiration for Adam, http://www.lose10pounds.org/

Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekly Update #1

Week 1 came with its ups and downs. As a team, the PYPs started to come ‎together and commence our workout plans. The runners (Bill, Katie, Lyndse) ‎have put in the time and worked out at least three times. Bill cross trained, ‎running (4) miles three times, playing racquetball twice, and walking nine ‎holes on the golf course once. Katie is half way there to preparing for the ‎Columbus, OH marathon. Lyndse has continued her training (and quite frankly, ‎is a step ahead of the rest of the group).‎

Those were the ups. However, I did mention there were downs. Adam has promised ‎to diversify our team goals by losing (10) lbs in (10) weeks. As you can see ‎by the picture below, he does not have a clearly defined action plan. The PYPs ‎are planning an Adam Q. Momper intervention later this week.‎

Bill Konecny

Friday, August 13, 2010

Team Photo

Meet the Pragmatic Young Professionals team:  From left to right, Katie, Adam, Lyndse, Bill (aka, Thinking Man).

So pragmatic, so professional.  Stay tuned for a progress report from week #1! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We are accountable only to ourselves for what happens to us in our lives. 
-Mildred Newman

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Go Vibrant or Go Home

It's the challenge of a lifetime.  Each member of our 4-person team has 10 weeks to meet their individual "healthy" goals.  Lyndse and Katie will finish training for and compete in the Columbus marathon, Bill will train and run a half-marathon, and Adam will lose 10 pounds. 

Why?  It's all part of the bigger picture and an organization called Go Vibrant http://govibrant.org/  Visit the link to learn more about the challenge and the impact it will have in Greater Cincinnati. 

Follow our blog and be part of our personal journeys over the next 10 weeks as we meet our goals and make our life stories more exciting.

Like the title says, Go Vibrant or go home!

-Katie, Lyndse, Bill, and Adam